Thanks for Visiting Us at ACRM

The transition from hospital to community settings is a critical time. Challenges for stroke survivors and care partners do not end when they leave the hospital. They require customized care and support.

At Kandu™ Health, our hospital partners are committed to a better quality of life for stroke survivors and their care partners. Together, we ensure patients have a safe transition home and a customized recovery plan. Providers receive expanded visibility of their patient’s health post-hospital discharge.

Stay connected with Kandu Health:

Schedule an Introduction

Connect with a Kandu team member to learn how our program partners with healthcare systems.

Preregister for Our Webinar Series

Beginning January 2024, Kandu Health is launching a webinar series hosted by industry experts addressing the continuum of stroke care, challenges hospitals and patients face at discharge, and the components of the Kandu program and their impact on patients.

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Learn more about Kandu Health